Thursday, 23 February 2012


Today is a happy day as the Sealion is back in the water! Last August we bought this boat and had a few nice trips up to York and on the rivers and canals but then we had to take it out of the water over the winter for some TLC. I have altered the seat cushions and given the cabin a good clean so it’s all fresh. Now the fun part starts as I make new cushions and add a few more Cath Kidston items to make the Sealion super pretty, (I haven’t seen another boat with bunting hung up inside!)
After several months of not being able to use the boat we are now free to tootle along the water once again! Spring is on its way and I look forward to more boat holidays!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Simple Things

As I have previously mentioned my aim for 2012 was to learn to crochet. We are now on the 9th Feb and I am well on my way! I am so pleased. My first attempt was this mini blanket (just using up some wool my mum had) 

You can see at my joining corner where I went wrong as I hadn't quite mastered it, I thought about pulling it back then decided it didn't really matter as it was just my 'learning attempt'. The pink & green blanket will be living in my caravan when I move back with my craft things. My second attempt is to make a larger blanket in the same 'plain granny square' design. 
I am really enjoying the simple art if crochet. The simple things in life are beautiful; today I watched 2 robins and a blue tit enjoying lunch at the bird table! And I made a simple loaf of white crusty bread- yum yum!

P.S - Is anyone actually reading my blog?? I am starting to wonder if I am talking to myself! x

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Robin Hoods Bay

A couple of weeks ago I had a few days booked off work so we we had a trip away to the seaside. Robin Hoods Bay was the chosen destination! So on a grim wet & cold Tuesday morning we packed up the truck- dog as well and off we went! Over the moors there was a covering of snow, a real winter wonderland.
Our first stop was Whitby for some Fish & Chips! I love the harbour and the beautiful old part of town. 
We stayed in a hotel at Robin Hoods Bay which was lovely. The village was quiet very quiet, in the evening we had a good look around and had the place to ourselves. The quaint cottages are beautiful (even if not practical) and the couple of shops (which were closed) were very pretty from the outside. It’s defiantly a place that sleeps in the winter and it was sad to see how many of the houses are holiday lets.
Wednesday morning and the sun had come out! We had a lovely walk on the beach and enjoyed the simplicity of the fresh air and the sea.